Alliance Kids Discovery Land

Alliance Kids Missions

Inspiring children with a global perspective on God’s work.

The ONE Page Curriculum

Simple, effective lessons that complement the program.

The Four Rights

Core principles designed to guide children toward a biblical worldview.

The Fourfold Gospel

Teaching children to know Jesus as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King.

Network and Community

Joining the Alliance Kids Discovery Land community gives you exclusive access to expert support, impactful training, and a vibrant network of child discipleship leaders, equipping you to lead confidently and purposefully.

Suscripción Alliance Kids Discovery Land

Alliance Kids Discovery Land is a comprehensive discipleship program designed for churches seeking to nurture children from crawlers (6 months) through 6th grade in their faith journey. This program takes children on a three-year overview of the entire Bible, presenting it as one unified story of redemption that points to Jesus.

With age-specific lessons and mission-focused activities, Discovery Land equips ministries to create engaging, hands-on learning experiences that captivate children and foster spiritual growth. The program also includes valuable resources like worship tools, review games, and dynamic summer themes, making it ideal for larger ministries. Beyond the curriculum, it connects leaders through a supportive network, encouraging collaboration and sharing best practices.

Suggested Price: $800 Annually

The Framework

Scope & Sequence

This three-year scope and sequence is designed to guide children through a comprehensive overview of the entire Bible, presenting it as one unified story of God’s redemptive plan. Each year is divided into four quarters, alternating between the Old and New Testaments. This ensures a balanced understanding of Scripture and its connection to Jesus Christ while pointing to the Four Rights, rooting kids in a Biblical worldview.

Leader Guide

En Curriculum Leader Guide equips leaders with clear lesson plans, practical tips, and support to create engaging, Christ-centered learning experiences. It helps leaders confidently guide children in growing their faith and understanding God’s Word.

Biblical Worldview

Every Alianza Kids Curriculum subscription is designed to help children develop a strong biblical worldview by teaching them to see the world through the lens of the Four Rights.

Fourfold Gospel

The Fourfold Gospel is a foundational theme woven throughout the Alliance Kids Curriculum, helping children understand who Jesus is and how He works in their lives. This core teaching introduces children to the four key aspects of Jesus’ character and mission: Jesus as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King. Through the Fourfold Gospel, the curriculum connects every lesson to the person and work of Jesus, equipping children to know Him deeply and live boldly for His Kingdom. This Christ-centered focus ensures that children understand the Bible and see how it points to Jesus at every turn.

Alliance Kids Missions

Alliance Kids Missions is a weekly video series that introduces children to the global work of The Alliance. Through stories of international workers and mission efforts, kids are invited to engage with the Great Commission and develop a heart for God’s mission worldwide. This supplemental resource includes weekly videos, making it an ideal addition to any children’s ministry program.

Alliance Kids Discovery Land Training Zoom Events

Great for new AK DLG Directors or those interested in learning more! In this four-session series, you will learn the basics of Alliance Kids Discovery Land, its vision, philosophy, volunteer roles, curriculum, and more.

Global Leaders,
Local Impact

Alliance Kids Alliance Kids Discovery Land is a growing community of leaders worldwide!

We believe that Child Discipleship thrives in a community. As our network of leaders continues to grow, we are creating powerful platforms for connectivity, collaboration, and encouragement.

These platforms are complimentary with each subscription. We are confident that this community of disciple-makers profoundly impacts the world, one child at a time!

Alliance Kids Discovery Land Cost Information

En Alliance Kids Alliance Kids Discovery Land, creemos firmemente que todas las iglesias deberían tener la oportunidad de compartir el Evangelio con todos los niños a su alcance, independientemente de su presupuesto. Nos hemos dedicado a proporcionar recursos accesibles y de alta calidad a todas las iglesias. Como suscriptor de Alliance Kids Alliance Kids Discovery Land, usted no sólo obtiene acceso a estos recursos, sino que su cuota de suscripción también apoya directamente los esfuerzos globales de discipulado infantil. Su contribución ayuda a proporcionar herramientas y recursos esenciales a ministerios de todo el mundo, incluidos los de EE.UU. que no pueden permitírselos.

Suscripción anual

The annual subscription fee for Alliance Kids Alliance Kids Discovery Land is $800, which includes all-inclusive access to our resources.

Asistencia presupuestaria

Entendemos que algunas iglesias pueden encontrar este precio prohibitivo, y si ese es el caso, por favor haga clic en el botón "Asistencia Presupuestaria" a continuación, y vamos a proporcionar los recursos que necesita a un precio que funcione para usted.

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Support under-resourced children’s ministries.