Política de usuarios

  1. I understand The Church is fully responsible for implementing the curriculum within its Church.
  2. The Church will not share the Alliance Kids DL curriculum (in any form or version) outside of their own church ministry.
  3. The Church agrees that all copyrights, trademarks, trade names, service marks, and similar intellectual property rights provided by DLG under this Agreement, including the “Alliance Kids Discovery Land Global” and “Alliance Kids Discovery Land” names, are the property of DLG and are owned solely and exclusively by DLG. The Church agrees that it will not reproduce or use the DLG program materials in the production or sale of proprietary materials.
  4. The Church and DLG agree that the Church, including its children/youth program that uses DLG program materials, is not a division, branch, or department of DLG. The Church and DLG further agree that their relative status is that of an independent purchaser and licensee (the Church) and provider and licensor (DLG) of the DLG program materials.