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Acerca de Alliance Kids

Alliance Kids existe para equipar a los líderes de la próxima generación de resistentes seguidores de Jesús.

Mediante la dotación de recursos, la formación y la conectividad, aportamos herramientas de calidad y compromiso para la formación en la fe de los niños.

Alliance Kids is a vital part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA), a Christ-centered Acts 1:8 family committed to equipping leaders and churches to bring the hope of Jesus to every corner of the world.
As part of the C&MA’s U.S. Church Ministries, our mission is to empower church leaders for the critical work of discipling children—raising resilient young believers who are deeply rooted in their faith, confident in their identity in Christ, and ready to live boldly for His Kingdom.

The C&MA is anchored in Jesus Christ, relying on the Holy Spirit’s power to fulfill the Great Commission by sending believers into every sphere of society with the Gospel. At Alliance Kids, we believe discipleship begins in the local church and includes children as vital participants in God’s redemptive plan.

We equip leaders with the tools, resources, and training they need to cultivate spaces where children are intentionally discipled, taught biblical truth, and invited into Great Commission living—embracing their role in advancing God’s restoration and light in a broken world. We do this throughout the Alliance and in partnership with Alliance Youth.

We are passionate about creating a culture where children feel seen, known, and loved—foundations that foster resilient discipleship. Through our intentional partnerships with church leaders, we are shaping a generation prepared to stand firm in their faith, carry the hope of the Gospel, and make a lasting impact for Christ in their communities and beyond.

Personal de la Oficina Nacional de Alliance Kids

Conoce a nuestro increíble equipo. ¡Estamos aquí para servirle!

Leah Broach

Leah Broach

Directora Nacional de Alliance Kids

Leah partners with leaders across the U.S. and abroad to equip ministries for effective child discipleship. She serves the nearly 2,000 churches of the U.S. Alliance and is dedicated to helping every church reach and disciple the children and families within their sphere of influence. With a deep conviction that thriving, healthy discipleship is mission-critical for reaching the world for Christ, Leah brings nearly two decades of experience in Christian education and international ministry. Her unwavering commitment to fostering resilient faith empowers leaders to shape the Church today and for future generations. Leah lives in Toledo, Ohio, with her husband, Kevin, and their two sons, Jackson and Lincoln. Email Ashleigh at [email protected]

Ashleigh Venema

Ashleigh Venema

Asistente del Director Nacional

Ashleigh Venema is passionate about equipping leaders to disciple children with confidence and purpose. With years of experience in children’s ministry, she partners with church leaders to provide resources, training, and strategies that help kids grow in their faith, discover their identity in Christ, and feel seen, known, and loved.
As the Assistant to the National Director of Alliance Kids and a Kids Ministry Coach for the MidAmerica District, Ashleigh is committed to creating Christ-centered environments that nurture resilient faith in the next generation. She lives in Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband, Taylor, and their son, Jude, where they strive to follow Jesus faithfully and reflect His love in their home and community. Email Ashleigh at [email protected]