About Alliance Kids

Alliance Kids exists to equip leaders of the next generation of resilient followers of Jesus! Through resourcing, training, and connectivity, we bring quality tools and engagement for faith formation in children.

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Alliance Kids National Office staff


Leah Broach

Alliance Kids National Director

Leah works with leaders across the US and abroad to equip ministries in child discipleship. She believes healthy, thriving child discipleship is mission-critical for reaching the world for Christ. She began her work in international ministry, followed by more than 12 years in Christian education. Her commitment to empowering leaders in resilient faith remains steadfast for the church of today and the future.

Ashleigh Venema

Assistant to the national director

Ashleigh serves alongside Leah to champion child-discipleship ministries by equipping, connecting, and empowering children’s disciple-makers to do the ministry’s work in their local context.

Contact: [email protected]